Christy Matson: Rock, Paper, Scissors
February 16, 2018 – May 13, 2018 • All Day -
Matson pushes the boundaries of weaving in this exhibition of textiles and ceramics. Her woven surfaces can be read as paintings or drawings. In this exhibition, she has literally painted paper before its weaving. Matson uses un-spun Japanese paper yarn with a cotton/linen blend or alpaca/linen warp on her jacquard loom. The relationship between handmade weaving and the ceramics in this exhibition also reflects her long career in textiles as the molds used to make the many ceramic forms were inspired by the discarded cones and cylinders that yarn is traditionally wound around. Human connections to textiles and clay reach back millennia. For Christy Matson, this is the first time that she will have her textile work exhibited alongside cast porcelain forms. Thinking of her life in an urban center, she clusters these many forms together but sees them also in relationship to the wide Pacific Ocean just outside the Lane Oceanview Gallery at the Museum.
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