Conveyance: Marie Thibeault

January 25, 2019 – April 21, 2019 • All Day -
As colors, shapes, and forms appear in flux, the illusion of space persists throughout the lyrical work of Marie Thibeault. Organized by the Long Beach Museum of Art, Conveyance: Marie Thibeault debuts the artist’s newly commissioned large-scale oil paintings. Living and working in Southern California, Thibeault is constantly informed by the changing landscapes and the environment surrounding her. Visual elements observed in the natural world are interpreted onto the canvas, intrinsically transforming the exterior into a metaphorical landscape. Accompanied by mixed-media works on paper, the exhibition poetically reflects on the harbors of San Pedro and Long Beach, providing viewers a meditative space for contemplation of oneself within the natural world.
Exhibition is supported by:
Image caption: Marie Thibeault, Conveyance #9, 2018
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