Food for Thought: LBUSD High School Juried Exhibition

March 24, 2019 – May 26, 2019 • All Day -
This year’s students were asked to reflect on food beyond what nourishes and sustains us, as what and how we consume inherently helps establish our identities, social boundaries and cultural diversities. Food is not simply consumed but experienced – each bite or meal the result of sun, water, animals and a chain of hands by which produce, grains and livestock travel within our nation’s agribusiness.
The breadth of work submitted considers the parallels between food and identity, food and privilege and food as a universal language of expression. The Long Beach Museum of Art wishes to thank the dedicated high school art teachers at Ernest S. McBride Sr., Jordan, Lakewood, Long Beach Polytechnic, Millikan, Reid Continuation, Renaissance, Richard D. Browning and Woodrow Wilson who guided students in making their works. The Museum would like to especially thank Christine Whipp, the Visual Art Curriculum Leader for LBUSD.
Image caption: Marisol Cruz, My Veins Don’t Come from Grape Vines, 2019, Renaissance High School for the Arts (Detail)
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