Keynote Lecture - Artists and Books: What is Happening Now?
December 5, 2019 • 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Free Event | Reservation Required
Location: Long Beach Museum of Art
For as long as books have existed, artists have been involved in their production and decoration. This long history stretches back into remote antiquity, but it also comes into the present. Why would artists engage with books in our contemporary world? What role do books play when we engulfed by media? Led by exhibiting artist Johanna Drucker, this talk looks at the ways that books carve out a space for experience that is intimate, communicative, and personal—while also being public—in our current lives.
Artists and Books: What Is Happening Now? is part of an ongoing series of talks on The Artful Book led by its exhibiting artists and members of the Guild of Book Workers. For future walk-through dates, please view our upcoming events.
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation is proud to be the lead sponsor for The Artful Book . Additional generous support provided by the Bess J. Hodges Foundation . For more information on this exhibition, please view our website.
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