Mythical Creatures

February 14, 2016 – March 27, 2016 • 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Toyota Children’s Gallery
While the Museum is between exhibitions, the Long Beach Museum of Art welcomes visitors to Claire’s at the Museum Restaurant, the Museum Store, and the colorful student exhibition, Mythical Creatures, in the Toyota Children’s Gallery. For this exhibition, LBUSD Middle School students were asked to explore myths and either choose or create a mythological creature that represents them. Students created an artwork based on their own story, or their interpretation of a classical myth.
The Art Chat Docents invite you to enjoy the Sculpture Garden and the artworks in the Anderson House on Fridays at 1 p.m.
The next exhibitions will open to the public on Friday March 11 in the Hartman Pavilion. Join the Museum now at and receive an invitation to the opening reception on Thursday March 10. Your membership supports the Museum’s Education and Exhibition programs.
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